Day 74-97

So, this month I’ve been slipping backwards pretty bad. I’ve been bad stuff and too much. I can tell which is the real culprit yet, or if they are somehow related.

I’m at 189.5

So, does eating bad things alone make you fatter?

Or does eating too much of anything make you fatter?

or does eating bad things make you eat more and then make you fatter?

I started eating bread again. I think bread might make me want to eat more in general. I’ll have to experiment more.

I’ve eaten bread, pasta, fried food, ice cream, cookies, chips, all the bad stuff.

I think it’s just eating too much, and crap food makes you want to keep eating.

I guess I started eating crap again because I had stalled out the other way and figured, what the heck.

I’m going back on the wagon. And then going to run some experiments.

I’m also going to try and do two 30 minute walks a day.  I need to.

ok. onward boombalati